Wednesday 10 May 2017

Classroom Learning Update!

Hello Everyone,
I can't believe we only have 2 months left of the school year, like they say time sure flies when you're having fun! We have been working really hard on growing our Grade Two brains! If you have not looked on your child's FreshGrade portfolio please do so as we update weekly with things that we're learning about.

In Language Arts
We have learned all of our sound friends, but are going back to review our blend sounds (more then one vowel letter) so when we write or read these words we can accurately decode them. We have been focusing on improving our writing skills by exploring various writing themes and focusing on the editing phase of writing. Everyday we practice adding details to our writing by stretching our sentences and we have really become illustrative writers! We have also started a research project where students are able to choose what they would like to learn more about and then we will present the information using Google Slides or on a poster. There will be more information about this towards the end of the month as the class would like to invite parents in to see their amazing work! In reading we have been focusing on more comprehension strategies to help us grow our reading brains, ask you child about the book reviews we complete weekly. In the upcoming months we will continue to focus on improving our writing skills in different styles of writing, work on completing research projects effectively and we will continue to grow our reading skills by looking at different literacy concepts. Please continue to read nightly and work on Word Work sentences with your child. The City of Fort Saskatchewan Public Library is offering free library cards to residents, if you haven't already signed up for this please do so it's a great opportunity!

In Math
Over the past couple months we have been focusing on building a solid foundational understanding of how to add and subtract numbers. We focused on a couple main strategies; make a ten, add on, use doubles, think addition for subtraction and fact families. We practiced using these strategies when we completed our Banana Split Math tasks, we have successfully completed all of our Banana split math levels!! Every morning we work on basic math concepts when we complete our morning meeting- showing numbers different ways, greater than/ less than,  calendar concepts, even/ odd numbers, number order and graphing. We completed our Numbers to 100 assessment and demonstrated our understanding of these concepts. In the upcoming months we will be focusing on adding and subtracting numbers to 100. The main strategy we will be using is algorithm, but we will discuss other strategies too. In June we will also begin our graphing and 2D, 3D objects unit. Every Thursday we use our problem solving skills to solve math problems usually relating to what we've been learning that week. In April we explored a Canadian numeracy website that
helps them build math skills called Prodigy. During our Math Daily this is a very popular choice, if you would like more information about this program and how your child can use it at home please email me. Even though we have completed our Banana Split Math questions it is important to continue to practice these basic facts frequently, as the more fluent your child is with them the greater chance for success when they will be learning more complex math concepts.

In Science and Social
In Science we have just completed our hot and cold unit. We practiced reading a thermometer and discussed ways that we can make temperature warm, cool or consistent. Every morning we like to look at the temperature in the communities we study in Social to see what their temperature is compared to Fort Saskatchewan's. We also learned some different temperatures around us- our body temperature, room temperature, temperature to boil/ freeze water, the temperature of the sun, etc. We have one final unit to learn about which is the small, crawling and flying unit. Last Friday we had a very interesting presentation on this topic and we are very excited to learn more! In Social Studies we have learned a lot about Iqaluit and Meteghan communities we will be learning about our final community Saskatoon in the upcoming months. In June we will be having a field trip to the Fort Saskatchewan Museum which will share more information about these three communities!

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