Wednesday 4 May 2016

March and April

In the last two months we have been working hard on learning new things! 

In Language Arts..
We have been reviewing our sound friend blends in our writing and reading. We learned some new reading strategies; tune into interesting words, add expression when you read, identify the author's main purpose and make connections to your reading. To grow our comprehension brains we completed a book report which talked about different literacy elements. We have been practicing writing paragraphs in our Handwriting Without Tears books, our printing has become amazing! In writing we have started to discuss informative writing and have been working on an animal research project. We also just began to talk about opinion writing and will continue to develop our writing skills in the upcoming months!  

In Math...
Last month we finished up our showing numbers to 100 and completed our evidence of learning for
that unit. We have become quite fluent with our double digit addition strategies and have been learning strategies for double digit subtraction. The strategies we have discussed so far are; counting on, base 10 blocks, fact family, open number line and algorithm. We have become quite fluent with subtraction and will continue to work on our double digit subtraction with regrouping. We celebrated finishing our banana split math questions by having a banana split math party, the kids loved this! This month we began our 2D shapes and 3D objects unit. On Monday's we learn more about these concepts like the names for the 2D shapes, how to build and draw them, counting vertices and faces and where we see them in our everyday lives.  In the upcoming months we will continue to grow our addition and subtraction brain, finish our 2D and 3D unit and develop our graphing skills. 

In Science...
Last month we finished up our hot and cold unit, we learned about using thermometers, different places and their temperatures, what our body temperature is and how to make something warmer or colder. We have begun our final science unit small, crawling and flying things. We have already investigated outside and found various small, crawling, flying things. We will continue to learn more and will complete a research project on our favorite small, crawling, flying thing. 

In Social...
In March we had our prairie communities presentation which taught us more about Saskatoon way of life and culture. This is our final presentation on the communities we learn about in grade two. We have started a project learning more these Canadian communities. We will be learning more about Canada over the next few months and will strengthen our mapping skills. 

In Religion...
Last month we finished our Lenten Journey and discussed how important it is to us as Catholics. In April we specifically discussed how we could look after the Earth that God gave us. In the next upcoming months we will continue to discuss how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

In Health...
Over the last few months we have begun to learn about Zones of Development, we've discussed various zones and expected and unexpected responses, we have learned about size of problem and various strategies to overcome little problems. I have also read Social Detective book to the classroom to continue to build our social skills and learning about expected/ unexpected behaviours. 

Important Things to Note: 
-Continue to regularly check FreshGrade to see what your child is learning about in class
-Our Lexia licenses have expired so there will be a note sent home the first week of May discussing a new language/ math pilot program we will be trying out for the month of May 
-Continue to work on adding and subtracting and nightly reading with your child 

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