Tuesday 1 December 2015

2AD December Calendar

Click the picture below to access our classrooms December calendar!

Monday 30 November 2015

November News

We really grew our brains in November
In Language we reviewed and learned these sound friends, we practiced making their sounds, building words and writing about them...
We practiced our comprehension reading strategies of retelling a story- specifically the beginning, middle, end, characters, plot and author's message. We've learned all of our Daily 5 choices- read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, word work and work on writing. We've begun our first big writing task about our Flat Stanley Adventures over fall break. Our printing just keeps getting better everyday! We've reviewed our capital letters and have started to learn about lowercase diver letters. 
In math we finished our measurement unit and completed our show what we know. We continue to grow our brains about how to represent numbers in different ways- using tally marks, with words, pictures, number sentence, number problems, ten frames or by base 10 blocks. We've been practicing our skip counting, increasing, decreasing pattern and ordering numbers too! We can independently complete Daily Math 3 components; math by myself and math with someone. We have just started our Banana Split math to help us grow our mental math and adding and subtracting brains. 

In Science we explored and learned about different kinds of liquids. We had a T-Pet presentation on liquids where we had lots of fun experiments; how dense a liquid is,  the water cycle, evaporation, condensation, the three states of matter and we made our very own slushies. We've started to discuss boats and buoyancy we made our own boats and tested to see if they floated or not. We will end the unit with an inquiry project on why water is essential to life. 

In social we've been talking about the community we live in. We learned our addresses, what city, province and country we live in. At the end of October we had a presentation on Inuit culture. We learned about where they live, what their landscape is like, what they do for fun, the animals that live there and we created our own soapstone Inukshuk. 

We have been discussing the start of the new liturgical year and how we can prepare our hearts for the birth of Baby Jesus. We've been discussing how each one of us belong and how we can share the Good News with those we meet. In October we researched some different Saints. 

Important Items:
-Continue to frequently check FreshGrade for evidence of your child's learning
-See our monthly calendar for important dates for December
-Please complete nightly reading or Lexia for 10-15 minutes 

Monday 2 November 2015

Wednesday 30 September 2015

2AD October Calendar

Click the picture below to access our calendar for the month of October. 

Thursday 24 September 2015

2AD September Learning

This September we have done a ton of learning about what Grade Two looks like, sounds like and feels like! I think we're going to have an amazing Grade Two journey together! 

In Language we've learned and reviewed our sound friends and have listened to their stories, songs, word work sentences, completed drawing and labeling and made words using their sounds; 

We started practicing our printing skills by using Handwriting Without Tears Program and so far have learned about being right and left handed, printing posture, how to hold a pencil properly and where to start our letters (at the top)! We've so far started to work on our capital Diver letters (P,F, E, B, M, N, R and D). Get your child to show you their fantastic printing skills, we're really growing our printing brains! 

This month we have also started to learn about how to grow our reading brains by doing Daily 5. We've practiced read to self and read to someone! Our stamina is up to 10 minutes, way to go 2AD! 

In Math we've been practicing our calendar skills by completing our Math Morning Meeting, we've also reviewed increasing patterns, skip counting and our graphing skills. We practice our math problem solving skills on Thursdays and our basic math facts on Fun Fact Friday. We've also been learning about Math Daily 3- Math by Myself and have build our stamina up to 6 minutes, we rock!  

In Religion we've been talking about how each one of us are special and unique! We've acknowledged our special gifts that we have to share with one another and how we can be the Hands and Feet of Jesus everyday with everyone we meet! 

Important Items:
-Please make sure you are checking your child's work on FreshGrade, I sent you all confirmation emails please let me know ASAP if you are not able to access your child's work. These are replacing our Evidence of Learning binders so please take the opportunity to have discussions with your child about their learning. 
-Each child in 2AD has a Lexia licence, please make sure your child is using it regularly. If a student is not using it, it will be given to another student in our school. 
-Our morning bell rings at 8:40am please ensure that your child is here at that time as we begin our grade two jobs promptly in the morning. 
-October Calendar and October READO will be sent home next week! Your child should be reading or working on Lexia for 10-15 minutes nightly. 

Minion of the Week Star Student Schedule and Information

Click the minion picture below to see our Minion of the Week Schedule and events that will be taking place during their special week! 

Monday 7 September 2015

Word Work

Select the picture below and you will be able to access the word work note I sent home with your child. 

Tuesday 1 September 2015

READO Our Home Reading Program

READO Home Reading Program

For this years reading program we will be completing a READO each month. A note will be sent home as well I am going to post it on the blog regarding the details of the reading program as well as month READO activities. It is an expectation in grade two that students are reading for atleast 10-15 minutes nightly. If you are unable to fill one of the squares record the book and time on the back of the READO sheet. If you click on the link below you will be able to access the details regarding the reading program as well as the READO for the month of September.  

Home Reading Letter
READO For September
(if you have a gmail account you will be able to access these notes if not you can access it on our classroom page on the St. John XXIII website) 

Sunday 30 August 2015

Welcome to 2AD!!

Here are a few things you'll need to know about our classroom 

I will use our classroom blog instead of sending home monthly newsletter. On our blog you will be able to find some of the different things we are learning about in class, reminders of any special events and a link to our monthly class calendar. Please follow me online by clicking the email button on the page.  Doing this will send any new posts on the blog to be sent directly to your email account.  That means that busy parents don't have to remember to check the blog.  The link to the blog will also be available at the school website if you choose not to have the blog updates sent to your email account.

Instead of sending home Evidence of Learning Portfolios each student will have a digital portfolio on FreshGrade. More information regarding FreshGrade will be sent home within the first week of school!  

Book orders will be sent each month.  Please be aware that I can only accept cheques-no cash please.

Adams Awesome Awards
   I'm sure you'll hear talk about the Adams Awesome Awards. They're our classrooms behaviour management reward system. Students can earn Adams Awesome Awards by getting their agendas signed nightly, completing the READO activity, working hard during class, table fairy visits, demonstrating WOW work and being helpful during class. This classroom management system aligns with the grade two math curriculum as it reinforces handling monetary denominations, skip counting and trading money. The money the students earn is spent at the classroom store on Fridays. 

I encourage anyone who can help in the classroom to do so.  I ask that you let me know in advance so that I can properly prepare for your visit, you can write it in the agenda, give me an email or call the school letting me know that you'd like to come in and help out. 

All forms of volunteering are greatly appreciated and encouraged! Thank you to those who have returned the volunteer form already. 

Growth as a Learner
Assessment across the curriculum is done on an ongoing basis.  Growth as a learner assessments are completed by students and by myself reflecting the growth that they've demonstrated throughout the month. Growth as a Learners will be posted on each child's digital portfolio so you will be able to look back and celebrate your child's success!